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Roland Allart, Aude Alaphilippe, Marta Carpani, Nicolas Cavan, Hervé Monod, Jacques-Eric Bergez. dexisensitivity: An R package to perform sensitivity analyses of DEXi models. Sofware Impacts 23 (2025) 100729. (10.1016/j.simpa.2024.100729)


Marie Serrie, Vincent Segura, Alain Blanc, Laurent Brun, Naïma Dlalah, et al.. Investigating the genetic architecture of biotic stress response in stone fruit tree orchards under natural infections with a multi–environment GWAS approach. 2024. ⟨hal–04759062⟩

Louna Rizzi, Muhammad Rafiq, Mélanie Cabrol, Sylvaine Simon, Laurent Gomez, et al.. Effect of intercropping apple trees with basil ( Ocimum basilicum ) or French marigold ( Tagetes patula ) on the rosy apple aphid regulation ( Dysaphis plantaginea ) and the abundance of its natural enemies. Pest Management Science, 2024, pp.1–11. ⟨10.1002/ps.8538⟩. ⟨hal–04803349⟩

Sylvaine Simon, Dominique Riotord, Karine Morel, Amandine Fleury, Yvan Capowiez. A shift towards softer pest management differently benefits earwig and spider communities in a multiyear experiment in apple orchards. Pest Management Science, 2024, ⟨10.1002/ps.8232⟩. ⟨hal–04670296⟩

Marie-Angélina Magne, Aude Alaphilippe, Annette Bérard, Sylvie Cournut, Bertrand Dumont, Marie Gosme, Mickael Hedde, Kevin Morel, Sylvie Mugnier, Virginie Parnaudeau, Marie-Odile Nozières-Petit, Raphaël Paut, Thomas Puech, Corinne Robert, Julie Ryschawy, Rodolphe Sabatier, Fabien Stark, Aude Vialatte, Guillaume Martin, Applying assessment methods to diversified farming systems: Simple adjustment or complete overhaul?, Agricultural Systems, Volume 217, 2024, 103945, ISSN 0308-521X,

Marie Serrie, Fabienne Ribeyre, Laurent Brun, Jean–Marc Audergon, Bénédicte Quilot, et al.. Dare to be resilient: the key to future pesticide–free orchards?. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2024, erae150, ⟨10.1093/jxb/erae150⟩. ⟨hal–04560076v2⟩


Marie Serrie, A. Blanc, Laurent Brun, G. Clauzel, Freddy Combe, et al.. Adapting stone fruit trees to pesticide reduction: screening apricot and peach core collections for multi–pest resistance via integrative phenotyping under low pesticide management. Acta Horticulturae, 2023, 1384, pp.329–338. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1384.43⟩. ⟨hal–04337220⟩

Davi Savietto, V. Fillon, A. Temple–Boyer––Dury, Floriane Derbez, P. Aymard, et al.. Design of a functional organic agroforestry system associating rabbits and apple trees. Animal – Open Space, 2023, 2, pp.100051. ⟨10.1016/j.anopes.2023.100051⟩. ⟨hal–04224414⟩

Daniel Plénet, Julie Borg, Christian Hilaire, Philippe Blanc, Claude Bussi, et al.. Agro–economic performance of peach orchards under low pesticide use and organic production in a cropping system experimental network in France. European Journal of Agronomy, 2023, 148, pp.126866. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2023.126866⟩. ⟨hal–04185053⟩

Laurent Brun, Freddy Combe, Christophe Gros, Pascal Walser, Marc Saudreau. Protecting Apricot Orchards with Rain Shelters Reduces Twig Blight Damage Caused by Monilinia spp. and Makes It Possible to Reduce Fungicide Use. Agronomy, 2023, 13 (5), pp.1338. ⟨10.3390/agronomy13051338⟩. ⟨hal–04106602⟩

Deguine J.P., Aubertot J.N., Bellon S., Côte F.X., Lauri P.E., Lescourret F., Ratnadass A., Scopel E., Andrieu N., Barberi P., Becker N., Bouyer J., Brévault T., Cerdan C., Cortesero A.M., Dangles O., Delatte H., Yen Dinh P.T., Dreyer H., Duru M., Flor R.J., Gardarin A., Husson O., Jacquot M., Javelle A., Justes E., Xuan Lam M.T., Launay M., Van Le V., Longis S., Martin J., Munier-Jolain N., Thu Nguyen N.T., Ngoc Nguyen T.T., Penvern S., Petit S., Poisot A.S., Robin M.H., Rolland B., Rusch A., Sabourin E., Sanguin H., Sarthou J.P., Sester M., Simon S., Sourisseau J.M., Steinberg C., Tchamitchian M., Thoumazeau A., Tibi A., Tivet F., Tixier P., Trinh X.T., Vialatte A., Wyckhuys K., Lamichhane J.R. (2023). Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture. Advances in Agronomy -

Prost L., Martin G., Ballot R., Benoit M., Bergez J.E., Bockstaller C., Cerf M., Deytieux V., Hossard L., Jeufroy M.H., Leclère M., Le Bail M., Le Gal P.Y., Loyce C., Merot A., Meynard J.M., Mignolet C., Munier Jolain N., Novak S., Parnaudeau V., Poux X., Sabatier R., Salembier C., Scopel E., Simon S., Tchamitchian M., Tofolini Q., van der Werf Y. (2023). Key research challenges to supporting farm transitions to agroecology in advanced economies. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43, 11,


Dussi M.C. and Simon S. (2022). Agroecology and system approach for sustainable and resilient horticultural production. Acta horticulturae 1355, 1-4.

Penvern S., Legendre A., Cerf M., Ricard J.M., Rosies B. and Simon S. (2022). How multi-species and pesticide free orchards affect the observation practice. Acta horticulturae 1355, 269-276.

Ricard J.M., Lauri P.E., Michaud M., Alaphilippe A., Borne S., Penvern S., Dufils A., Simon S. (2022). Co-design of agroecological temperate fruit tree systems in France: the ALTO project. Acta horticulturae 1355, 99-108. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1355.13⟩. ⟨hal-03919706

Lauri P.E., Pitchers B., Simon S. (2022). Designing a sustainable orchard – plant diversity as a key and ways to implement it. Acta Horticulturae 1346, 19-26. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1346.3⟩. ⟨hal-03846155

Plénet D., Borg J., Barra Q., Bussi C., Gomez L., Memah M.M., Lescourret F., Vercambre G. (2022). Net primary production and carbon budget in peach orchards under conventional and low input management systems. European Journal of Agronomy 140, 126578, 10.1016/j.eja.2022.126578,


Olvera-Vazquez S.G., Remoué C., Venon A., Rousselet A., Grandcolas, O., Azrine M., Momont L., Galan M., Benoit L., David G.M., Alhmedi A., Beliën T., Alins G., Franck P., Haddioui A., Jacobsen S.K., Andreev R., Simon S., Sigsgaard L., Guibert E., Tournant L., Gazel F., Mody K., Khachtib Y., Roman A., Ursu T.M., Zakharov I.A., Belcram H., Harry M., Roth M., Simon J.C., Oram S., Ricard J.M., Agnello A., Beers E.H., Engelman J., Balti J., Salhi-Hannachi A., Zhang H., Tu H., Mottet C., Barrès B., Degrave A., Razmjou J., Giraud T., Falque M., Dapena E., Miñarro M., Jardillier L., Deschamps P., Jousselin E. and Cornille A. (2021). Large-scale geography survey provides insights into the colonization history of a major aphid pest on its cultivated apple host in Europe, North America and North Africa, Peer Community Journal, 1: e34.


Tresson P., Brun L., Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri I., Audergon J.M., Buléon S., Chenevotot H., Combe F., Dam D., Jacquot M., Labeyrie B., Mercier V., Parveaud C.E., Launay M. (2020). Future development of apricot blossom blight under climate change in Southern France. European Journal of Agronomy 112, 125960,,

Lauri P.E., Pitchers B., Dufour L., Simon S. (2020).  Apple farming systems - current initiatives and some prospective views on how to improve sustainability. Acta horticulturae 1281, 307-321. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1281.42⟩. ⟨hal-02886581

Forey O., Linquist S. (2020). Ecological laws for agroecological design: the need for more organized collaboration in producing, evaluating and updating ecological generalizations. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42, ⟨DOI : 10.1007/s40656-020-00336-9⟩. ⟨hal-03025182⟩.

Richard A., Casagrande M., Jeuffroy M.H., David C. (2020). A farmer-oriented method for co-designing groundwater-friendly farm management. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 40 (4), 10.1007/s13593-020-00622-7,


​​Cardona A., Lefevre A., Simon S. (2018). Les stations expérimentales comme lieux de production des savoirs agronomiques semi-confinés. Enquête dans deux stations INRA engagées dans l'agroécologie. Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances 12 (2), 139-170,,

Gésan-Guiziou G., Alaphilippe A., Aubin J., Bockstaller Ch., Boutrou R., Buche P., Collet C., Girard A., Martinet V., Membré J.M., Sabbadin R., Thiollet-Scholtus M., van Der Werf Y. (2020-12). Diversity and potentiality of multi-criteria decision analysis methods for agri-food research. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 40 (6), 44,,

Loiseau E., Colin M., Alaphilippe A., Coste G., Roux Ph (2020). To what extent are short food supply chains (SFSCs) environmentally friendly? Application to French apple distribution using Life Cycle Assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 276, 124166,,

Parisi L., Bourgeay J.F., Moronvalle A., Brun L., Brachet M.L., Morris C. (2019). Bacteria from four phylogroups of the Pseudomonas syringae complex can cause bacterial canker of apricot. Plant Pathology 68 (7), 1249-1258. ⟨10.1111/ppa.13051⟩. ⟨hal-02622425

Penvern S., Chieze B., Simon S. (2018). Trade-offs between dreams and reality: Agroecological orchard co-design. Presented at: 13th European IFSA Symposium, Chania, Grèce, Full paper,

Navarrete M., Brives H., Catalogna M., Gouttenoire L., Heinisch C., Lamine C., Ollion E., Simon S. (2018). Farmers' involvement in collective experimental designs in a French region, Rhône-Alpes. How do they contribute to farmers' learning and facilitate the agroecological transition? Presented at: 13th European IFSA Symposium (IFSA 2018), La Canée (Crete), Grèce, Full paper

Demestihas C., Plenet D., Génard M., Garcia de Cortazar Atauri I., Launay M., Ripoche D., Beaudoin N., Simon S., Charreyron M., Raynal C., Lescourret F. (2018). Analyzing ecosystem services in apple orchards using the STICS model. European Journal of Agronomy 94, 108-119, 10.1016/j.eja.2018.01.009,


Caffi T., Helsen H.H.M., Rossi V., Holb I.J., Strassemeyer J., Buurma J.S., Capowiez Y., Simon S., Alaphilippe A. (2017). Multicriteria evaluation of innovative IPM systems in pome fruit in Europe. Crop Protection 97, 101- 108,,

Simon S., Lesueur-Jannoyer M., Plénet D., Lauri P.E., Le Bellec F. (2017). Methodology to design agroecological orchards: learnings from on-station and on-farm experiences. European Journal of Agronomy 82 (part B), 320-330, 10.1016/j.eja.2016.09.004,


Alaphilippe A., Boissy J., Simon S., Godard C. (2016). Environmental impact of intensive versus semi-extensive apple orchards: use of a specific methodological framework for life cycle assessments (LCA) in perennial crops. Journal of Cleaner Production 127, 555-561, ⟨10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.04.031⟩. ⟨hal-02641527

De Oliveira-Lino L., Pacheco I., Mercier V., Faoro F., Bassi D., Bornard I., Quilot-Turion B. (2016). Brown rot strikes Prunus fruit: an ancient fight almost always lost. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64 (20), 4029-4047,,

Bussi C., Parveaud C.E., Mercier V., Lescourret F. (2016). Effects of irrigation deprivation and ground cover (Trifolium repens) in the tree row on brown rot incidence in peach. Crop Protection 88, 37-44,,

Penvern S., Kouchner C., Ruynat L., Simon S., Lamine C. (2016). Form orchard to agri-food system redesign to reduce pesticide use. Acta horticulturae 1137, 333-341.

Lescourret F., Poncet C., Simon S. (2016). Insights into the ecological control of pests in horticulture. Acta horticulturae 1137, 91-103.

Lauri P.É., Simon S., Navarrete M., Parrot L., Normand F., Lesueur-Jannoyer M., Deguine J.P. (2016). Interdisciplinarity and multiagent interactions for innovations in horticulture – Paradigms beyond the words. Acta horticulturae 1137, 255-266.

Lefevre A., Simon S., Cardona A. (2016). Visites croisées entre l’UE d’Alénya et l’équipe SaVAGE de Gotheron : vers une analyse réflexive sur la mise en place d’expérimentations système. INRAE - Lettre de la CNUE (Commission Nationale des Unités Expérimentales) (15),

Gésan-Guiziou G., Alaphilippe A., Andro M., Aubin J., Bockstaller C., Botreau R., Buche P., Collet C., Darmon N., Delabuis M., Girard A., Grateau R., Kansou K., Martinet V., Membre J.M., Sabbadin R., Soler L.G., Thiollet-Scholtus M., Tonda A., Van-Der-Werf H. (2019). Annotation data about multi criteria assessment methods used in the agri-food research: The French national institute for agricultural research (INRA) experience. Data in Brief 25, 104204,,

Colette Savajol, Guillaume Ollivier, Hélène Rapey, Stephane Sachet, Aude Alaphilippe, et al.. Analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur l’Agroforesterie sur la période 1956–2023. INRAE – groupe filière Agroforesteries. 2024, pp.64. ⟨hal–04609870⟩

Marie Hédan, Raphaël Achard, Sandrine Auzoux, Mathias Christina, Alain A. Ferre, et al.. Mise en regard des pratiques d’utilisation des plantes de services dans les filières et les différents systèmes de culture. Caroline Dijan–Caporalino; Anne–Violette Lavoir. Les plantes de services. Vers de nouveaux agroécosystèmes, Quae, pp.365–396, 2024, 9782759239788. ⟨hal–04840611⟩

Dussi M.C., Simon S. (eds) (2022) Proceedings International Symposium ‘Agroecology and system approach for sustainable and resilien horticultural production’, ISHS International Congress, IHC2022, Angers (2022-08-16 – 2022-08-20), Acta hort. 1355.

Alaphilippe A., Bussi C., Casagrande M., Dardouri T., Simon S., Lauri P.É., Lefèvre A., Navarrete M. (2022). The use of agronomic practices in integrated pest management programmes in horticulture, pp 247-280. In: Improving integrated pest management in horticulture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing,,

Brun L., Parisi L., Pincebourde S., Saudreau M. (2022). L’anticipation des impacts du changement climatique sur les bioagresseurs en arboriculture fruitière. In: Legave J.M. (ed.), Les productions fruitières à l'heure du changement climatique, Éditions Quae.

Jeuffroy M.H., Ballot R., Mérot A., Meynard J.M., Simon S. (2022). Des systèmes de culture agroécologiques pour diminuer l’usage des pesticides, pp. 81-116. In: Jacquet F., Jeuffroy M.H., Jouan J., Le Cadre E., Malausa T., Reboud X., Huyghe C. L’ambition zéro pesticide : un nouveau paradigme de recherche pour une agriculture durable pesticides. Ed QUAE, Versailles.

Navarrete M., Brives H., Catalogna M., Lefèvre A., Simon S. (2021). Intertwining deterministic and openended perspectives in the experimentation of agroecological production systems: A challenge for agronomy researchers. In: Agroecological transitions, between determinist and open-ended visions. Peter Lang, 57-78,

Alaphilippe A., Belien T., Ioriatti C. Malavolta C. (2019). Crop Specific Technical Guidelines for Integrated Production of Pome Fruits, 6th edition. Edited by: A. Alaphilippe, T. Belien, C. Ioriatti & C. Malavolta, with the support of the IOBC-WPRS WGs, specifically the Sub-Group on “Pome Fruit Arthropods”.

Malavolta C., Beliem T., Damos P., Alaphilippe A. (2019a). Crop Specific Technical Guidelines for Integrated Production of Stone Fruits, 5th edition. Edited by: C. Malavolta, T. Beliem, P. Damos & A. Alaphilippe, with the support of the IOBC-WPRS WGs, specifically the WG on “Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops, Sub-Group Stone Fruits”.

Malavolta C., Linder C., Fountain M., Alaphilippe A. (2019b). Crop specific technical guidelines for Integrated Production of soft fruits: Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Currants, Gooseberry, Blueberry, Elder, etc. IOBC-WPRS, 5th Edition, 15 p.

Lauri P.E., Simon S. (2019). Advances and challenges in sustainable apple cultivation. In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of temperate zone tree fruits and berries, Vol. 2 : Case Studies. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 340 p.,,

Wijnands F., Malavolta C., Alaphilippe A., Gerowit, B., Baur R., (2018a), Integrated production IOBC-WPRS objectives and principles. 4th edition. IOBC /WPRS.

Wijnands F., Malavolta C., Alaphilippe A., Gerowitt B., Baur R., (2018b). General Technical Guidelines for Integrated Production of annual and Perennial Crops. 4th edition. IOBC /WPRS.

Simon S., Marliac G. and Capowiez Y. (2016). Gestion de la strate herbacée pour favoriser la régulation des ravageurs en vergers de pommiers en France. In: Deguine J.P., Gloanec C., Laurent P., Ratnadass A., Aubertot J.N. (ed) Protection agroécologique des cultures, Savoir Faire (Quae), Editions Quae URL

Bellon S., Bertin N., Simon S., Urban L. (co-convenors) (2016). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation in Integrated and Organic Horticulture (INNOHORT). Acta hort. 1137.