4th world congress on Agroforestry

4th world congress on Agroforestry

Sylvaine SIMON et des partenaires du projet ALTO ont participé au congrès international d’agroforesterie qui a eu lieu du 19 au 23 mai 2019 à Montpellier.

  • Présentation orale : Simon, S. (Auteur de correspondance), Alaphilippe, A., Borne, S., Penvern, S., Dufils, A., Ricard, J.-M., Lauri, P.-E. (2019). Methodology to co-design temperate fruit tree-based agroforestry systems: three case studies in Southern France. In: Book of abstracts. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry (p. 601-601). Presented at 4. World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, FRA (2019-05-20 - 2019-05-22). 933 p. https://prodinra.inra.fr/record/472806
  • Poster présenté « Temperate fruit-based agroforestry systems towards pesticide-free fruit productionThree case studies in Southern France in the framework of the ‘ALTO’ project »
  • Résumé : 4e world Congress on Agroforestry, 20-22 May 2019, Montpellier, Book of Abstracts :
    - Methodology to co-design temperate fruit tree-based agroforestry systems: three case studies in Southern France, p. 601
    - Temperate fruit-based agroforestry systems: three case studies in Southern France in the framework of the 'ALTO' project, p. 635
  • Présentation orale : Methodology to co-design temperate fruit tree-based agroforestry systems: three case studies in Southern France,
Colloque international agrof Montpellier 2 petit

de gauche à droite, Jean-Michel Ricard (CTIFL), Sylvaine Simon (INRA Gotheron), François Warlop (GRAB)

Photo dans le titre : de gauche à droite, Jean-Michel Ricard (CTIFL), Sylvaine Simon (INRA Gotheron) et Pierre-Eric Lauri (INRA UMR SYSTEM)